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How to Pilot Our Hydrogen Sensor Solution: VOCID® H2Confirm

Our hydrogen sensor solution, VOCID® H2 Confirm, is now welcoming you for alpha and beta testing! We have already started this process with several customers as businesses want to apply our technology for hydrogen monitoring.

Companies Piloting our Hydrogen Sensor

Currently, we are piloting and in discussions with companies in the green tech industry who are aiming to further the hydrogen market.

The companies showing the most interest in our hydrogen sensor solution come from these broad areas:

  • Electrolyzers

  • Hydrogen storage

  • Refueling stations

As a part of our R&D process, we usually go through piloting in two phases:

  1. Alpha Pilot: A quick and short duration to show that our solution can provide results in the desired environment and use case. This is reserved for innovative uses of the hydrogen purity sensor.

  2. Beta Pilot: After validation, we move on to implementing the hydrogen sensor solution in your specific working environment (i.e. on your premises).

This concludes with a commitment from the customer on further installemnts for our sensors through a purchase order so as to integrate the VOCID® solution into daily operations.

Our Hydrogen Sensors in Action

In the video below, you can see a portable demo of our VOCID® H2Confirm solution which we debuted at the Hannover Messe 2022 conference in Germany. This portable demo is a simplified demonstration of how our system can measure in real time when a foreign substance enters the sampling line.

Our Product Validation Process

The piloting process is a part of a larger where alpha and beta testing are preceded by discussions that clearly define expectations, objectives, and goals which ultimately concludes with a purchase order commitment that leads into applying the VOCID® solution into daily operations.

process for implementing NanoScent's hydrogen sensor solution.

Alpha Testing Explained

The general goal for alpha testing is to demonstate that Nanoscent’s hydrogen sensors for detecting hydrogen purity work under the target environment (defined by the customer) and will provide valuable readings for the customer.

This step is typically reserved for novel applications of our product that go beyond the current capabilities as outlined in the spec sheet.

Since our VOC sensors can be implemented in a wide range of use cases, measuring different target molecules and under varying environments, it is crucial to validate the device’s capability of performing in the specific scenario. Thus, an alpha pilot is an experiment of quick and short duration that shows our solution can provide results for the desired environment and use case.

Beta Testing Explained

Majority of the time, customers skip alpha testing and move directly into beta testing. Read more about the user journey and how to adopt out hydrogen purity measurement solution.

In the case of developing a new method for using H2Confirm, upon validating VOCID®’s performance for the specific use case and environment, it is time to implement the device (with full integration) in one location of your premises and test its performance for an extended period of time (like 4 weeks).

During beta testing , the performance is constantly recorded with regards to alarms and downtime. Furthermore, at this point, the user interfaces are more accurately defined and subsequent changes to the UI/UX are also implemented, in order to reach a more customized solution for the customer’s company.

Beta testing is reserved for customers that show a clear interest in purchasing H2Confirm as a hydrogen sensor used for monitoring purity and quality.

Pilot Our Hydrogen Sensors With Us

Are you interested in trying our VOCID® H2Confirm solution for monitoring hydrogen? Please contact us so we can discuss in greater detail!


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