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Reflections from Anuga FoodTec 2022

Anuga FoodTec 2022 was a great conference. We got to see the behind-the-scenes of the food industry, including how things are produced and created. A lot of aspects of food technology were exhibited, from instrument production to how things are constructed for automation.

Our Objectives and Outcomes

Our main objective for the conference was to discuss processes like fermentation and blending for quality control, focusing on the journey that food takes from raw products to marketable and packaged goods.

We noticed that a lot of companies are looking to save energy resources and you can see a lot of push towards organic, new instruments are being built for organic but also alternative food and interesting to see the industry supporting this push.

From our perspective, the main outcome of Anuga FoodTec 2022 was learning about the need for monitoring processes with data in industrial wastewater and fermentation processes.

Monitoring and Measuring Wastewater

In the food industry, there are a lot of processes that are supported by wastewater. For example, food & beverage companies must avoid bacterial and chemical contamination, thus they rely on a lot of sterilisation process which require water. As a result, there is a lot of wastewater as a byproduct because it cannot be sent to the sewage since it is heavy in organic material.

For wastewater to be disposed in the sewage system, it must meet a certain ratio by law or otherwise the company that released it risks getting a fine. It is costly to dispose the wastewater because if it sent to purification centre, a lot of energy goes in into making the water usable. We gained these insights as a result of meeting with leading companies in the wastewater industry, including: Werhle, DAS, LiqTech, and VWM.

We see the potential for our technology to address unmet needs in this industry. Since VOCID® BioAction can monitor gasses like ammonia and volatile organic compounds, companies can save money by reducing energy use and monitoring their wastewater contamination levels, ensuring they are within the legal limits for disposing it.

Fermentation Processes

From this conference, it was interesting for NanoScent to learn the needs from food and beverage companies, like monitoring alternative food fermentation processes.

Leading companies need more data about the process in order to get ahead with their innovative customers. These companies say that the 'new tech' people in the food industry come with a Pharma background and are science oriented, thus want lots of data.

With VOCID® BioAction we can monitor fermentation processes and provide data insights and measurements in real-time. Because the livelihood of cells, process maturing, and contamination levels all release specific signatures of VOCs and gases, it is possible to monitor these processes through these values.


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